"Community Solutions to Global Problems"
St. John's Wood Scouts
St. John's Wood Food ConnectDo you want to eat delicious, healthy and fair food? Food Connect provides you with local, seasonal and ecological food direct
from your farmer. Our produce has been grown using natural, holistic and ethical farming methods by passionate farming families. Food Connect's food is as mother-nature intended a little imperfect, unruly, dirty and rough but we guarantee that it will be delivered fresher, tastier and healthier. Order online and pick up locally in St. John's Wood from our city cousin, Ian Thomson, in Gresham Street. St. John's Wood Sustainability- Brisbane Transition HubThe Brisbane Transition Hub helps to establish and support groups such as St Johns Wood Sustainability group in their community-led response to the pressures of climate change, fossil fuel depletion and increasingly, economic contraction.
St. John's Wood Community GardenIn 2012 fruit trees were planted in the traffic island near the bus terminus on
Royal parade. Many thanks to Dave Hall who persevered with the planning, getting permission, selecting the mainly dwarf trees, and calling for volunteers for the planting of the trees. Thanks to all who contributed and to all those who will continue to nurture, water and care for the trees as they grow and produce delicious and interesting fruit. UpdateBelow are progress photographs showing the growth over the first two years. Thanks to all of those who have maintained this community garden. Photography by Sue Cooke.